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While it is clear that Gearbox has several Borderlands announcements for PAX, this one might be the least exciting. The ESRB has just listed a Game of the Year edition for the first Borderlands game coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

According to the page description,

“Players will explore an open-world environment and interact with characters, while completing mission objectives. Combat missions require players to use futuristic firearms (e.g., acid pistols, electrical shotguns, grenade launchers) to kill human bandits, alien creatures, and robotic sentries. Battles are frenetic and accompanied by screams of pain, gunfire, and large explosions. Human enemies emit large splashes of blood when shot and killed; some attacks may result in dismemberment and/or decapitation.”

Yep. That’s the Borderlands I know and love.

Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition has already been released for the PC and last-gen consoles with all the DLCs bundled together. But the title was oddly missing from the Handsome Collection, which featured enhanced editions of Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel for PS4 and Xbox One The first Borderlands is a great game and could certainly use some modern facelifting like enhanced visuals and especially, a native option to change the FOV. Hopefully it will be a free upgrade to owners of the original on the PC.

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