Dark Light

It’s a golden age for Cyberpunk fans. CD Projekt announced in their Monday conference that they are working on three Cyberpunk games in total, one being Cyberpunk 2077 and two additional projects.

In the words of President Adam Kicinski;

“We’re working on three cyberpunk things – over the main game and over two more. These are three teams. We are also working on ‘Gwent’ and we still have an unannounced game in Spokko. So we have five working teams, three working on ‘Cyberpunk’ “ 

Vice-President Piotr Nielubowicz added:

“Our next big project will also be in the ‘cyberpunk’ universe, and we’re already working on it and treating it as a really big and innovative project for us.”

Kicinski confirmed that the Wroclaw team consisting of 40 people is working on the multiplayer portion of Cyberpunk 2077.

Moreover, CDP expects the release of another – apart from “Cyberpunk 2077” – AAA role-playing game around 2021.

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