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Publisher Focus Home Interactive and developer Saber Interactive have released a new trailer introducing the “Players vs. Players vs. Zombies” system of World War Z.

While World War Z’s core four-player co-op pits you against relentless swarms of AI zombies, Players vs. Players vs. Zombies offers a completely unique experience, challenging you to outlive both the living and the dead across a variety of competitive modes designed for four-versus-four combat.

What separates Players vs. Players vs. Zombies in World War Z from other multiplayer games is the zombie swarm, which storms the arena throughout the match, forcing players to battle both each other and the undead and allowing the tide of the fight to turn in an instant. World War Z will launch with the following multiplayer modes:


  • Scavenge Raid: players race to secure resources across the map to win.
  • Vaccine Hunt: players must pick up and hold an object to earn point for the team.
  • Swarm Deathmatch: Two teams go head to head in a bitter fight to the end.
  • Swarm Domination: Capture zones to earn points and win a team victory.
  • King of the Hill: Capture a single hill, then control it to earn victory points.


Powered by Saber’s dynamic Swarm Engine, World War Z unleashes hundreds of fast-moving, bloodthirsty zombies at a time on players in a nail-biting action experience around the world, including New York, Moscow, Jerusalem, and more. Play in co-op with up to three friends using six distinct classes and an arsenal of deadly weapons, explosives, turrets, and traps to demolish the undead menace and survive another day.

World War Z is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2019.

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